Vacancy: For Junior Development Officer (JDO) Post in Assam
Job opening for the position of Junior Development Officer (JDO) under the Transformation & Development Department, Government of Assam. There are 9 vacancies available, with a pay scale ranging from Rs. 22,000/- to 97,000/- plus a Grade Pay of Rs. 9,400/-. The last date to apply online is April 24, 2025.
Organization: Assam Public Service Commission (APSC)
Post Name: Junior Development Officer (JDO)
Department: Transformation & Development Department, Govt. of Assam
Number of Vacancies: 9
Salary Details: Pay Scale and Allowances
Pay Scale: Rs. 22,000/- to 97,000/- per month
Grade Pay: Rs. 9,400/-
Pay Band: Pay Band - 3
Other Allowances: As admissible to the Assam State Government employees from time to time.
Eligibility Criteria: Age Limit and Educational Qualification
Age Limit: Candidates should be between 21 and 38 years of age as on 01-01-2025.
Age Relaxation:
5 years for SC/ST candidates (up to 43 years).
3 years for OBC/MOBC candidates (up to 41 years).
Ex-Servicemen: Maximum age of 50 years as on 01/01/2025 (with further relaxation for OBC/MOBC and SC/ST).
PwBD: 10 years irrespective of category.
Candidates serving in a lower post in the Transformation and Development organization: Not more than 40 years on the 1st January of the year of advertisement (minimum 5 years of service required).
Educational Qualification: Bachelor's Degree in Arts, Science, or Commerce from a recognized University with any one of the subjects:
Agricultural Economics
Social Anthropology
Social Work
Business Administration
Business Management
Preference will be given to Honors graduates.
Application Fee Details: Category-wise Charges
Category | Application Fee (Rs) | Processing Fee Charged by CSC-SPV (Rs) | Taxable amount on processing fee (@18%) | Total Amount (Rs) |
General | 250 | 40 | 7.20 | 297.20 |
OBC/MOBC | 150 | 40 | 7.20 | 197.20 |
SC/ST/BPL/PwBD | NIL | 40 | 7.20 | 47.20 |
Important Dates for Application Process
Starting Date for Online Application: 25-03-2025
Closing Date for Online Application: 24-04-2025
Last Date for Payment of Application Fee: 26-04-2025
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How do I apply for the Junior Development Officer (JDO) post?
You need to apply online through the APSC recruitment website ( No other mode of application will be accepted. First, you need to register yourself and complete the One Time Registration (OTR) process before applying for the post.
What documents are required to be uploaded during the application process?
You need to upload scanned copies of your photograph, signature, educational qualification certificates, caste certificate (if applicable), age proof, and any other relevant documents as mentioned in the official notification. The documents should be in PDF format and within the specified size limit.
What is the selection process for the JDO post?
The selection procedure will be notified later by the Commission, which will include details on the screening test, written examination, and interview. The Commission will decide the provision for selection in respect of any post/posts or service/ services considering the status, cadre and grade or the number of applications received for the advertised post/posts or service/ services.